PeliQAn LogoPeliQAn

Ahoy, QA Friend! Welcome aboard PeliQAn!

Discover the treasures of testing and sail to perfection in Quality Assurance. With us, you'll become a real Bug Pirate!

Pirate Ship

☠️ Bug Hunter ☠️


☠️ Pirate Instructions ☠️

  • 🏴‍☠️ Goal: Catch as many bugs as possible! 🪲
  • 💀 Don't get hit! Each contact with a bug costs a life ❤️.
  • ⚓ Bugs have different difficulty levels:
    • 🟢 Easy: +10 points
    • 🟡 Medium: +20 points
    • 🔴 Hard: +30 points
  • ⏳ The game pauses automatically when:
    • 🏝️ You leave the screen
    • 🗺️ You switch tabs
    • ⚓ You lose focus
  • ⚡ Powerups are your treasure!
  • 🦜 How do powerups work?
    • 🛡️ Shield: Protects against attack.
    • 🐢 Slow Time: ⏳ Slows down bugs.
    • 💖 Extra Life: ❤️ Restores 1 life.
    • 💥 Clear All: 🚀 Sweeps away all bugs.
  • 🔥 Beat your record and become a legendary Bug Hunter! 🏆
"Every QA tester is a pirate on digital waters! Sharpen your vision, as bugs lurk in the dark corners of code! Don't let them sink your ship!"

- Captain PeliQAn 🦜

Treasure Map Background

QA Quiz

Test your Quality Assurance knowledge and find out if you have what it takes to join the PeliQAn crew!

Question 1 of 80% completed

Jak prawdziwy wilk morski QA wykorzysta 'TDD' w poszukiwaniu bugów?

Tales Driven Debugging
Test-Driven Development
Throwing Distractions Drastically
The Dare's Done
Timid Dev's Dread
Treasure Map Background

Contact the Captain!

Send a message in a bottle, and we'll answer as quickly as the wind driving the sails!